My eldest son is (as far as I know) now in the Middle East and will be flying over the wars zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a family we have been praying for our military personnel fighting

I am thankful that my son is not (as far as I know) on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan, but he will be flying above them in an airplane that is more vulnerable than most, and I am concerned for his safety. I am also very proud of him and what he is doing.
I want the wars to end and for all our service personnel to come home. We should never have gone to war in Iraq, but we went to war there and tried to fight the war on the cheap.
Attempting to do something on the cheap usually fails and makes things much more expensive. That is what happened in Iraq. We won the war but tried to do the post war on the cheap. The government did not want to send enough troops there to do the "peace" correctly, so we are still there and we have paid for it with the body and blood of too many young men and women.
We had to go into Afghanistan, 9/11 left us no alternative, but again we never put enough people on the ground there to get the job done right. This is mostly because we started an unnecessary war in Iraq. I pray that we can finish one and then get the job done right in the other, so that we can bring our people home.
I hope our new leaders do what is right and not settle for what is politically expedient. I can hope, but I'm not overly optimistic.
Coram Deo,