Tomorrow morning my family and I will wake, eat breakfast, dress and then go to worship at Bethel Presbyterian Church (PCA). We will join other believers at Bethel to worship the true and living God. While we are worshipping at Bethel our Christian brethren will be worshipping at other Christian congregations throughout the city, state, country, world and before the the face of God in Paradise.

I know many Protestants who deny that A Roman Catholic can be saved, and I've known Catholics who denied that any Protestant or Orthodox could be saved. Pope Boniface VIII is one who comes to mind, of course he was before the Protestant Reformation, but if you read his Unam Sanctam its clear that he would believe them damned.
I've had arguments about religion, but it has been some time since I've argued religion. I discuss religion a good bit, but I don't argue or fight over religion. It is not good to become angry and fight with a fellow Christian about the Christian faith. It is also a horrible witness to the world which desperately needs to know the God of the Scriptures and His Christ.
There are points of doctrine on which Baptists and I disagree. The same is true when it comes to the teachings of the Catholics, Lutherans, Assemblies of God, and even Presbyterians. I enjoy discussions about these differences, but I always try to remember that I am discussing these differences with my Christian brethren. I am commanded in the Scriptures to be loving and patient with my brethren with whom I disagree.
I did not always try to "discuss" in a godly manner. I used to enjoy a little heat when discussing the differences with other Christians, but I have seen much damage done to Christians and to the testimony of the faith by all out wars within denominations and between them.
We Christians need to be just as serious about the Bible's teaching regarding loving the brethren and being patient and loving toward one another.
Coram Deo,